Strike, the Bitcoin payments app led by Jack Mallers, is embarking on an extensive expansion, bringing its presence to over 65 countries worldwide. Targeting billions of users, Strike aims to penetrate markets across various regions, including Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean. Currently operational in the United States and El Salvador, Strike plans to introduce its app in countries such as Antigua and Barbuda, Vanuatu, and Zambia. This expansion demonstrates Strike’s commitment to becoming a leading player in the Bitcoin payments industry on a global scale.
CEO Jack Mallers unveiled this expansion plan during the Bitcoin 2023 conference held in Miami Beach, Florida. The Strike app utilizes Bitcoin and Lightning Network, a secondary network facilitating faster and cost-effective Bitcoin transactions, to offer global payment solutions and cross-border money transfers. With a revamped user interface, the app now empowers users to hold funds in Bitcoin (BTC) and tether (USDT).
This expansion allows Strike to tap into a vast market potential, reaching nearly 3 billion individuals. Manuela Rios, Strike’s Vice President of Product, emphasized the company’s ultimate goal of serving the entire global population of 7 to 8 billion people. In an interview with CoinDesk, Rios highlighted the enhanced user experience of the app’s new interface, which underwent years of development to ensure seamless onboarding.
Rios acknowledged the disparity in app design quality between the United States and other countries, emphasizing the company’s dedication to bridging that gap. By expanding its presence to numerous countries worldwide, Strike aims to make Bitcoin-powered payments and transfers accessible to a broader user base, contributing to the mass adoption of cryptocurrency as a global financial solution.