The popular Japanese manga “Captain Tsubasa” is the basis for an upcoming NFT project called the Ball is our Friend Project, which will be available for purchase from March 2, 2023.
Developed in partnership with TSUBASA Co., Ltd. by double, the project has garnered global attention and has been featured in over 1,000 media outlets worldwide since its announcement on February 7, 2023. Shinji Kagawa, a renowned Japanese professional soccer player, has endorsed the project as an ambassador.
The Tsubasa NFT is a fusion of the digital and physical worlds, inspired by Captain Tsubasa’s “Football World Peace Declaration” quote, aimed at bringing fans together. The first edition of the NFT will be accompanied by limited physical soccer balls adorned with original illustrations by the manga’s creator, Yoichi Takahashi. The soccer balls will be distributed to children in 12 countries, as well as to buyers of the NFT.
The Tsubasa NFT features a blend of iconic scenes and distinctive parameters, with 283 legendary scenes from the manga presented on a centerpiece soccer ball. The background is made up of 333 special moves, randomly combined to create a unique and one-of-a-kind NFT artwork.
The Tsubasa NFT will be made available for purchase through two stages. The first stage is a limited presale, occurring on March 2, 2023, from 2 AM to 4 AM PST, which enables Allow List holders to purchase a limited gold edition Tsubasa NFT for 0.08 ETH. The second stage is a public sale that begins on March 2, 2023, at 4 AM and runs until March 14, 2023, at 7 PM PST.
During this period, the NFT can be purchased for 0.1 ETH from the official website by anyone. Furthermore, each Tsubasa NFT can be exchanged for soulbound tokens (SBTs), which can be used to obtain unique merchandise such as a soccer ball crafted by Yoichi Takahashi. Additionally, purchasers who buy three NFTs simultaneously will be rewarded with an extra NFT as a bonus.