Renowned author Robert Kiyosaki, celebrated for his influential book “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” recently elucidated his continued investments in gold, silver, and bitcoin, driven by his perception of global leadership favoring “more war and poverty.”
Kiyosaki, whose book has achieved a six-year presence on the New York Times Best Seller List with over 32 million copies sold globally, emphasized the trio of assets as providing “lifelong financial security and freedom.” Advocating for a 75% allocation in gold, silver, and bitcoin, with the remaining 25% in real estate and oil stocks, he positions this mix as a safeguard against potential market crashes.
Having previously forecasted bitcoin’s price ranging from $135,000 to $1 million, Kiyosaki has extended his predictions to gold reaching $75,000 and silver hitting $60,000 during a global economic crisis. Urging swift bitcoin acquisitions amid anticipated market downturns, Kiyosaki remains a vocal supporter of cryptocurrency’s future, asserting the decline of fiat money and cautioning against potential repercussions of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes on the U.S. dollar. His investment strategy aligns with fortifying portfolios with resilient assets amid economic turbulence, echoing lessons derived from his seminal work.