According to Solana’s official Twitter account (@solana), during December 2022, the Solana Foundation (@SolanaFDN) will release a new guide, course, or tool daily. The primary purpose of the Solana Foundation to take such action is to create a free resource for anyone who wants to learn about Solana development.
The link in Solana’s tweet on December 1st goes to Solana Documentation’s Hello World Quickstart Guide. Ideal for beginner-level developers, this document states that Solana Playground is a browser the based IDE is used.
If you want to follow the guides Solana Foundation will share, you must start with the Hello World Quickstart Guide. This is because, thanks to this document, you will learn how to use Solana Playground and how to create a wallet on Solana Playground. In addition, you will be able to make a simple Solana program through Rust and learn how to build and deploy the Solana Rust program. Finally, using JavaScript, you will learn to communicate with or edit your program on the Solana blockchain.
If you continue to program Solana, you should continue to work with Local Development Quickstart, Developing with Rust, Developing with C/C++, Deploying, Debugging, and Program Examples.
The documents shared by the Solana Foundation are wider than writing programs. You can start Rust Program Quickstart if you are a native developer.
Although the documents Solana has shared so far are aimed at programming, more various documents will be added to the Solana Documentation section in the coming days.