Japan-based Takashi Murakami, a popular artist, has partnered with Switzerland-based luxury watch manufacturer Hublot to launch an NFT collection tied to physical watches.
The new project represents the fourth instalment of the Hublot-Murakami artistic venture. The NFT collection will include 13 unique tokens which are inspired by Japanese TV shows and video games from the ‘70s. Furthermore, the tokens will be designed after the Takashi Murakami-themed Classic Fusion All Black watch, previously launched in January 2021.
Watches and Wonders 2023, the trade show which will take place in April 2023 in Geneva, is where the NFT collection will make its debut. Each digital asset will come with a rainbow hue and feature the popular Murakami smiling flower symbol.
Out of the 13 watches, 12 will be available only to previous buyers of Murakami and Hublot NFTs. In April 2022, the partnership released a collection of 324 NFTs.
The last item of the collection was previously unveiled during a New York-based event. The Black Ceramic Rainbow is designed with a spinning flower decorated with tsavorites, rubies, topaz, amethysts, and sapphires.
The other 12 NFTs can be subject to secondary trades on the OpenSea marketplace until April 2024. The 13th watch can be bought only if a collector manages to buy all of the other 12 NFTs. If no one performs such a deed, Hublot will organise an auction for the watch in order to raise charity funds.